Thinspo tips and tricks! hope they help...
1. Its not just about HOW MUCH you eat. It’s about WHEN you eat it too. If you’re eating 500 calories in one day, it’s much better to eat say 300 in the morning and 200 in the afternoon than it is to save all your calories for a nice dinner out. You’ll burn all that food off throughout the day instead of sleeping and letting it convert into fat again.
2. Diet soda should be the LAST resort for a o calories drink.
Mineral water, water, tea, coffee, even a little juice is better as carbonated drinks bloat you.
3. Hot tea boosts your metabolism and makes you feel full with very few calories. Drink black tea and the caffeine will help you burn more.
4. If you're feeling like you can't loose any more weight, binge. It must be on something healthy, but that you wouldn't normally eat, such as a banana. It will get the body out of what it's used to and should raise motabalism again.
5. Weigh yourself before and after youeat. You will soon stop wanting to eat as much as you'll see how quickly the numbers can raise.
6. CLEAN! You will burn calories. Your house will look tidy. You won't want to make a mess by eating. You will tone muscles. Your parents/housemates will thank you. Need i say more?!
7. Brush your teeth before and after meals. Food doesn't taste very nice mixed with the taste of toothpaste, and also, it is thought by nutritionalists that if you brush your teeth afer a meal, the difference in taste send a message to the brain saying that you're full.
8. Keep a thinspo book. Glue in diet tips, pictures of what you'd like to look like, excersises etc. so that you can look through it when you're running out of motivation or want to binge!
9. Do not eat after at least four hours before going to bed.
10. Find a sweet, safe food for when you're going to binge. I like giant skack'a'jacks at only 50 calories each.
11. Set rewards for yourself, from buying yourself some new clothes once you reach agoal weight, to letting yourself watch some T.V after you've done a certain amount of excersize.
12. Imagine your perfect partner. Would they really be with you looknig fat?
13. Get a weight loss buddy! They will help you through and share tips and thoughts.
14. Drink a glass of ice water every hour. It will keep you feeling full as well as making your body burn calories by trying to get it up to a normal temperature in order to digest. It will also keep your complexion clear!
15. Eat spicey foods, it will raise your metabolism
16. Eat from a small plate so that it looks full with a small amount of food.
17. Always sit down for a meal time so that you fully remember the event. If you eat whilst watching T.V for example, you are more likely to over eat as you won't realise that you're full.
18. Keep a good posture! You burn 10% more calories when sitting up streight! Not to mention you look thiner.
19. Never eat something that wouldn't be able to fit into a cup. This is about the size of your stomach and if you eat more you'll stretch it, causing you to get more hungy, more quickly.
20. Take pictures of yourself in something revealing weekly. Look at the pictures to see how far you've come!
21. If you're a smoker, smoke instead of eating as it suppresses appetite. If not - the smell of coffee is supposed to suppress appetite, to make some whilst chewing something (e.g the end of a pen, sugar free gum)
22. Eat food in patterns. Chew each bite a certain amout of times, placing your fork down in between every bite.
23. Before you eat, drink a whole pint of cold water without stopping for a break. You will intantly feel full and therefore eat less.
24. Do sit ups in the morning as there will be no carbs to burn so your body will burn fat. Kelly Rowland swears by 500 sit ups a day, so see if you can beat her!
25. If you simply CANNOT get rid of a craving, and think that you might binge, chew and spit! Simply chew the food at least 15 times per bite, signals that you're full will be sent to the brain and when you spit not a single calorie will be consumed! Another tip is to spit out onto a plate so that you can see all the food which you could have consumed but didn't, and feel proud that you didn't eat it but also take the time to think about how close you came to eating it and how you won't do it again.
So there's my 25 top tips! let me know your favorites and what's helped you :)
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